Get Involved
Help us make a difference to developing economic communities

Join an AidCamps project with other volunteers
Volunteer on an AidCamps project with other volunteers. You will be joined by around 10 other people and an AidCamps co-ordinator to complete a project.

Volunteer as an individual or with your family
If you're an individual with a skill, for example a teacher, we can create a volunteering opportunity for you in partnership with our NGO partners. You could also be joined by your family.

Work with us to design a private project for your group
If you are part of a group - maybe friends or family - or are interested in organising a volunteering project for a business you work for, we can create a bespoke group project for you.
Volunteer for an amazing experience
You don’t need practical experience to join our projects – just your enthusiasm. You’ll help us deliver vital community resources, meet amazing people, experience a different culture and community, and rise to a fantastic new challenge.
If you can’t volunteer on a project, you could still support our projects by making a donation to our work:

The NGOs and charities we work with:
Cameroon – SHUMAS
Ethiopia – Together We Learn
India – SCAD
Nepal – RCDP
Sri Lanka – SERVE
Duke of Edinburgh – Gold Award