Individual and Family Projects
Use your skills to volunteer on your own, as a couple, or with your family to support one or more of our NGO partners.

Some people prefer to volunteer alone, as a couple, or with their family, typically for longer than an AidCamps group project, which are usually two or three weeks long.
We will be happy to try to arrange an independent placement with one of our NGO partners for however long you can offer.
This aspect of our volunteering service is a personalised one – we’ll work with you and our NGO partners to arrange the sort of placement you want, and which will be most beneficial to them.

An independent placement is usually between two weeks and three months long. We don’t recommend volunteering for less than two weeks but if you want to go for longer than three months then please talk to us about what we can arrange.
We can arrange placements in most of our project countries, in cities or rurally.
Practical considerations may affect your options, for example, school holidays, monsoons or our partners’ schedules.
We’ll try to match your skills with the need of our local partners and communities. Relevant qualifications may be needed for some placements, for example, teaching or medical placements, but skilled and unskilled work is available.

To undertake an independent project with us we ask for a registration fee and a minimum donation. The minimum donation varies depending on how long you want to stay. You cover all your own costs while you’re in-country, as well as your pre-departure costs, such as flights and visas. We can help you with planning and budgeting for your stay, so you know how much money you will need. In addition to your personal costs, we also ask that you cover any created costs, for example, if your project requires you to have a full-time translator.
You can find out more details about the costs, as well as the practicalities of arranging an independent project, on our Individual Projects In More Detail page.

On a family project, we’ll arrange something where you and your family undertake the same, or closely related, volunteer work. The application process, registration fee and minimum donation vary depending on the age of the children in the family, and full details can be found on our Individual Projects In More Detail page.
Please do your research before applying for a family project. There are many risks, in particular from diseases, in tropical developing countries that are much more serious for children than for adults and that children are more susceptible to. Before applying, we strongly recommend you take independent professional medical advice on the risks of taking your children on a volunteering placement.
Find out more about the costs and practicalities of individual and family projects on our Individual Projects In More Detail page.
Express an interest in individual or family projects
If you’re interested in undertaking an individual or family project, please provide a few details below and we’ll be in touch.
(* denotes a required field)