Noi Health Centre
Cameroon - November/December 2017
This was a two-week project, where volunteers improved the maternity area and water supply at the Noi Community Health Centre, provided a new toilet and washing facilities and built a better kitchen. The kitchen improvements were vital as families cook and prepare food for their relatives while they are being treated at the Centre.

The Noi Community Health Centre serves a population of about 3,500 people, living in nine small villages. The majority of villagers are subsistence farmers and some produce coffee.
The Centre is 70km outside of Bamenda and 6km from the nearest alternative community health facility. It is staffed by two nurses and sees around 30 patients and manages four childbirths every month.
The Centre had no funds available to improve the facilities or the level of care provided.
In conjunction with our NGO partner SHUMAS and the community that the Centre supports, AidCamps renovated the building and provided a new toilet and washing facilities. Our volunteers also helped to improve the provision of water to the Centre and constructed a better kitchen facility – vitally important to patients as families cook and prepare food for their relatives staying at the Centre.
Though the project focused on improving the integrity of the building and offering an improved water supply and new toilet and washing facilities, AidCamps also worked with one of its sister charities, Spreading Health, to improve the equipment available to the Centre staff and their patients.
Any additional money raised by volunteers was used to provide new equipment including beds, and to supply an initial stock of medicines which will be replenished on an ongoing basis by the health centre making a small, affordable charge for consultations and laboratory testing as is typical in Cameroon.
AidCamps volunteers’ legacy:
- Major improvements to the sanitation.
- Reduced risk of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and diseases like typhoid.
- Supply of drinking water, reducing water-borne and communicable diseases.
- More successful births and reduced infant mortality from, for example, pneumonia.
- Huge reduction in the distance villagers have to travel for healthcare.
- Repairs to cracks in the walls and flooring.
- Roof replaced and made structurally sound.
You can see more images from this project in our gallery.